Lorain County Transportation Providers
Below is a list of transportation services in Lorain County. They are listed according to the status of service, due to Covid-19. To quickly find transportation options and other needs for your community, dial 2-1-1. Below is a video to quickly explain how to use the 2-1-1 service.
We encourage riders to ask questions of these transportation providers to make sure they are a good fit. Neither United Way of Greater Lorain County nor the Lorain County Mobility Management Program guarantee the type of customer service or that these are the most affordable options. Our goal is to provide you with a list of available transportation providers in Lorain County.
1. We encourage you to ask about their Covid-19 Safety Protocols.
2. Ask them about their vehicle insurance to protect you as a rider.
3. Ask them for references of their transportation services.
INSTRUCTIONS: On page 2, click on the blue boxes to take you to that specific page in the book. Also, all links in the book are clickable and will take you to that specific website or web page.